In October 2007 the then Noosa Shire which includes the Noosa Everglades was declared a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve.

What is a biosphere?

The global biosphere is a scientific term and includes all the parts of the land, sea, and atmosphere in which organisms are able to live. The Man and the Biosphere program is a UNESCO initiated international program that identifies different places in the world that have special environments, with a range of plants and animals. Biosphere reserves often have passionate communities LIKE NOOSA where people want to look after that environment and find ways to live in a sustainable manner. Biosphere reserves are established to promote a balanced relationship between humans and the environment.

What is a biosphere reserve?

  • Biosphere reserves are sites that demonstrate innovative approaches to conservation and sustainable development. They share their experience and ideas regionally, nationally and internationally within a world network of biosphere reserves.
  • Biosphere reserves go beyond confined protected areas to where sustainable economic development is made possible through partnerships with local people.
  • Biosphere reserves are about developing quality economies based on local community action and entrepreneurship, sound science, public-private sector partnerships and networking.
  • Biosphere reserves also provide living laboratories to experiment with and showcase various approaches to sustainable development that are culturally relevant to local communities.

The Noosa Biosphere is proactive in working with local and regional organisations towards the UNESCO Man and Biosphere objectives of conservation, sustainable development and education. The Partnership program recognises the working relationships with such organisations. On a KANU KAPERS tour the connection to nature and the natural environment is a high light of all kayak trips. Observing the flora and fauna from a self propelled kayak gives people a uniquely close experience, whilst they are contributing to the long term sustainability of this highly pristine area. At Kanu Kapers we are passionate about sharing an attitude that fosters the discovery and appreciation of the Noosa Biosphere Region.